
You Are The Avatar &

The Time to Awaken is Now. 

The purpose of the Avatar Awakening Program is to assist you in discovering, harnessing and refining your innate Spiritual Gifts. Our program is designed to help you live from the highest vibration as the Divine Being you are meant to be. 

When you bring fourth the traits of your divinity into physical reality, you begin to live life from an entirely new space of being, and this is often a journey onto itself. 

It’s time on the planet now for those with a mission to Awaken.  It’s time for those of us that have come here to bring transformation and a re-programming of the matrix we operate in.


A classic phrase that’s been used for decades, but for those that truly understand this (often referred to as Star-Seeds), life on the physical plane can be quite difficult.  You may find yourself asking:

 “What am I doing here on this planet?!”  

“Why does it take so long to create my manifestations?”  

“ I can feel other people’s energy and I pick up on what’s happening in the world.  I love this experience of a body yet it seems so hard sometimes.”

  You may feel this way and we have too.  It’s part of being one who has awakened to the Journey of Your Soul.

“The illusion is so powerful sometimes, it reels us in like a good movie, as that’s what it is- whether we make it a comedy, a thriller or a romance drama is up to us.” - Step Sinatra.

Oftentimes, we need an external push to set fourth the Awakening Process into motion. A teacher can facilitate the gentle unfolding of the fabric of our consciousness to a new level that we may know is possible yet have had trouble achieving alone.

“For myself, I always knew I had spiritual gifts but never really owned them until recently.  I want you to grab your gifts from within yourself and unleash that power that has been dormant.  I believe it is my mission on this planet to find the beautiful souls that simply need a boost, some guidance or just inspiration so that they can take their spiritual awakening to the next level.”   

Step's teaching style is gentle and soft yet encouraging so that a new level is reached.  He will lovingly push you to take yourself to higher levels. always remaining in flow and in conscious alignment with what works for you. Afterwards, you will know you are Unlimited and Immortal.  It’s time now to start living this way and the Avatar Awakening program re-trains your mind to integrate your inherent divinity into your life now

If these words resonate with you, we invite you to join us on an Adventure. 

Journey into your soul’s awakening through travel and enjoy all the beauty that comes with it!   

Growth and expansion are most enjoyable with a small, intimate group of like minded souls.

Activities will include:

  • Fusion of Focused Breathing & Pranayama 

  • Yoga

  • Dance 

  • Journaling 

  • Pilates 

  • Qi-Gong

  • Tai Chi

  • Guided Meditations

  • And more…

Step will hold daily discussion forums; topics will range from achieving supercharged health and wellness to exploring philosophies of Spiritual existentialism, and may include: 

  • Cutting Edge Bio-Hacks To Upgrade Your Body & Brain, From Stem Cells, Peptides, Infusion Therapies, Exosomes, Lasers, Frequency Therapy & So Much More.

  • Grounding & Earthing: The Basics & Intricacies Of The Energy Of The Earth & The Schumann Resonance.

  • Demystifying Diets In 2020: Choosing The Right Food Program For You, From Paleo To Carnivore, Plant Based, Fasting & Everything In-Between.

  • Becoming Ageless: Keys To Looking & Feeling Younger & The Future Of Regenerative Medicine.

  • “Can We Heal For Free?” Yes. What’s Free Is Sometimes The Best Medicine. Learn About Nature Therapy At Its Finest & The Huge Difference Simple Practices Can Make.    

  • Discover Step’s Proprietary Alpine Bear Diet, Inspired By The “Blue Zones” & Little Known Cultural Traditions For Promoting Longevity.

  • Gaia Power: Harnessing The Energy Of Water, Air & The Sun.  

  • “Are We Living In A Simulated Reality?”  Exploring The Nature Of Reality, & How We Can Reshape “Life” As We Know It.  

  • Achieving Greater Brain Power: Discovering Practices To Re-Wire Your Neurons & Have More Neuro-Plasticity. Think Better, Create Better, & Manifest Your Dreams.  

  • Becoming Unlimited: Upgrading Your Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions, Energy & Heart Coherence.

  • Meditation 101 To 10000.  Forget Zen & Traditional Mediation - Power Up With Mindful Meditation. 

  • Breathing: Achieving Vibrant Wellness by Unlocking The Breath Of Life.

  • “What’s The Best Exercise For Raising My Vibration?” From Qi-Gong To Pranayama, Yoga & Beyond! 

Every aspect of the Avatar Awakening Program is designed to raise your vibration, which will re-program your mind to allow a thorough integration and awakening of your spirit. As you progress, you’ll become upgraded with a new frequency of vitality, strength, integrity and courage to embrace the unknown.

  Every individual is on their own path and we each experience this world differently, yet one thing remains consistent between us all:  when we transform the inner world, our outer world changes dramatically. 

This is why the best work we can do every day is on ourselves. When we upgrade ourselves individually through powerful self-development, we upgrade One Mind universal consciousness as well. 

We are serving the planet and humanity by transforming ourselves into better Beings.   

Begin your practice now with The GIFT - Template Coming Soon. 

“The material world is an illusion of splendid grandeur of Space, Time, Energy and Matter.” 


How we choose to interact with it, via the vehicle of our consciousness, is our innate playful magic. Crafting an external reality with your deliberate, directed intentional thoughts and emotions and then amplifying it all with an unlimited imagination is key to living as a Creator. Most of us are just operating within the matrix of reaction, unaware of the play we find ourselves in yet unknowingly create.  Redefining this worldview and understanding how much power we truly have is an essential aspect of the Awakening process, and reclaiming our divine power.

We must reaffirm that this illusion is here for our conscious experience. Is is our choice to create one of Love, Beauty, Care and Abundance, in Health Wealth and Inspiration.  

Declaring it is a safe and comfortable world is vitally important.  What may exist, only exists, if we believe it to be so. 

The ultimate and successful dance within this reality matrix is one of self-mastery.  This is the goal.  

Avatar Awakening is about a new level of self-mastery.  The samurai meets the monk and merges discipline with wisdom and awareness.  This is what we have come here to do: master ourselves so that we may serve the world with gifts previously unknown.